Archive for December 17, 2010

So as some of you might know I am just a little excited about our trip to HP world….

I have been waiting for this day for over a year and it is know less than 24 hours away!!!!

Today we went to Animal Kingdom and it was great, there was this great roller coaster called Expedition Everest, Zoe and I went on it I think 4 times…. You’d think that because it is cold here we would opt out of the water rides but someone not naming or blaming anybody (me) thought it would be a great idea to go on the river rapids…. I loved them but I am not to sure about dad as he just happened to get the wetest out of all of us…. but Zoe and I loved them, although they were a little tame and nothing like the ones that were at Wonderland when it was around all those years ago….

I think we are going to go over to Downtown Disney tonight for dinner and to do some shopping at the giant Disney Store…. Zoe has something she would like to buy and I am just going to look around… I might  buy something but I am waiting till after tomrrow to make any final choices so I can see how much money I have left after my long waited trip to HP world!!

Anway got to go as the washing has finished and we need to put it in the dryer and hang it up…

Talk tomorrow when I will have a very detailed recount of my day!!

Love Morgan xx 🙂

Can I keep up the pace?

Posted: December 17, 2010 in Orlando

Two days into the Orlando experience and we are all exhausted… or should I say I am and I wish Morgan and Zoe were more exhausted! EPCOT yesterday, Animal Kingdom today, Universal Studios tomorrow to meet Harry. (And that’s only halfway through)

A couple of things I have noticed here…..

1. There are more motorised scooters/mobility appliances in one theme park, then there are in the whole of Sydney (or so it seems) And these aren’t necessarily used by the elderly or non-able bodied…. (unless you call large  people non-able bodied)

2. We have found it VERY hard to find a place to eat that didn’t have burgers and/or Pizza on the menu! (Not sure if there is any correspondence between 1 & 2) It seems that regardless of the style of food or type of establishment – Italian, Mexican, Cafe’s, Restaurants – They ALL have a burger of some type, or a Pizza of some type (yes I know you would expect that in an Italian place!)

3. Our world would be a more boring place without Walt Disney – what an amazing guy (as well as businessman, entrepreneur, and leader) 

Well – off to collect the washing from the machines (Nope – the girls didn’t take over that for us!) And hopefully have an early dinner and a LONG sleep (I hope Morgan and Zoe read this)

Chat again soon –

Cheers Craig

PS: More pics will go up in the next day or so…. we have lots of  ‘fake’ re-created cities to show!